How To Fight A Speeding Ticket Ontario

3 Easy Steps On How To Fight A Speeding Ticket In Ontario

1.first step is obvious you’ve got to fight the ticket

how to fight a speeding ticket in toronto ontario
You can’t win the lotto if you don’t buy a ticket. Well you can’t fight a speeding ticket if you don’t go to court and fight. I can’t tell you how many people come into our office after they pay the ticket fine and then come in and say hey I want to fight the ticket. At that point it’s too late. The first thing we do obviously is fight the ticket that steps easy.

2. Be prepared for Ontario traffic court

be prepared for traffic court
Please don’t think you can just walk in the court and wing it. We’ve been doing this 17 years. We prepare for every single case. They’re very complicated, they’re not the kind of thing you can just walk in and say your honour my car wasn’t going that fast he’ll laugh you out of court. Preparation is not even that difficult, go to our website go to YouTube check out our blog we’ve got tons of great information on how you must know the type of ticket that you have so that you can start preparing your defense. It really isn’t that much to ask it’s not too hard for you to do and it’s the only way you’re going to get a case dismissed.

3. You got to go!

the ontario court

You’re going to get the court date in the mail that’s not the time to wait on it. Don’t think to yourself that maybe I’ll get there late or I’ll do something else. Get to court early that’s a great opportunity for you to pick up a tip that maybe will help you in your case.

I hope we’ve been able to help you by giving you three things you’re going to do to get your speeding ticket dismissed. If you have any questions feel free to email us good luck.

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Frequently Asked Questions

No! As of May 1st, 2008 only a licensed paralegal or lawyer may represent you in court. Before you give any paralegal your case and money make sure he/she is licensed.
No! Paralegals, like lawyers, are regulated by the Law Society of Ontario. As a result, guarantees are prohibited. A Paralegal that offers a “Guarantee” or “We Win or it’s FREE”, is acting outside the “Paralegal’s Rules of Conduct” as set out by the Law Society and should be reported. You would be extremely wise not to hire a Paralegal to defend who is breaking this rule. There have been many cases before the Law Society Tribunal ruling against such a practice. A person offering a Guarantee may be fraudulently offering services and may actually not be a licenced Paralegal.
Demerit points are not listed on a ticket. Call us to find out if your ticket has demerit points.
There are many charges, if you are found guilty, will result in a suspension your driver’s licence for 3, 7, 30 or 180 days.
Depending on the particular charge, tickets issued to a NOVICE DRIVER (G1/G2) may result in a suspension. Suspensions may range from 30 days to 6 months or more. Call Fight Traffic Tickets to determine if you risk a licence suspension.
No! What matters most is a Paralegal’s legal training and trial experience. Licenced Paralegals are trained and, following extensive Law Society examinations, are licenced to provide legal services in all Ontario Provincial Offences Courts. In fact, the majority of representatives in Provincial Offences Courts are Paralegals – not lawyers and not former police officers. Most police officers have never even been in a trial. In fact, police officer’s have hired Fight Traffic Tickets to represent them in Court!
Depending on the jurisdiction; fighting a traffic ticket may take anywhere from 10 to 11 months or more.
DON’T DO IT! In most cases, if you have been charged with a moving violation, a meeting with the prosecutor guarantees a conviction. At these meetings you have no chance to win because you are pleading guilty and may, in some cases, receive a suspension of your licence. The prosecutor does not have to prove the case against you and the officer doesn’t show up. By attending an Early Resolution meeting you are giving up the possibility to totally win.
Fight Traffic Tickets Legal Services does everything within the bounds of the law to deliver the best results! From the moment you hire us our team will exhaust all avenues and possibilities of defense. Our many testimonials speak for themselves….we deliver positive results!