There are literally hundreds of reasons why a driver gets a traffic ticket from an officer. But some of the most common and obvious reasons why this happens is because of speeding, reckless driving, and aggressive behavior on the road.

Reports have shown that Toronto police have issued over 10,000 traffic tickets in less than a month. That is a lot of tickets, considering the short amount of time it took. Moreover, it is also very frightening when we think about the safety of the people on the road, especially children.

Every day, we read about people dying in road accidents. But this has more or less become a thing which we normally hear. We don’t give it serious thought when we’re out on the road. The authorities work day and night to ensure our safety on the road. Maybe some officers take it too far, but they are doing their job. Therefore, we need to do our part in road safety. And we can do so by driving responsibly and following the rules diligently.

Toronto police department has deployed officers in school areas, public places, and other busy intersections. But does this mean that we should feel secure? According to a recent study, over 7,000 speeding-related tickets were issued in September; over 2,000 tickets were related to distracted driving and aggressive driving. By looking at these numbers, we can pretty much say that it is not safe to be on the road in Toronto.

What can we do?

Road safety is a collective responsibility, the roads and streets may be full of cops looking out for careless or irresponsible drivers, but it doesn’t mean that we’re safe. Not running a red light or not exceeding the speed limit does not make us responsible road users.

Doing simple things, such as avoiding using cell phones while driving or driving under the influence of alcohol, can prevent countless accidents. Let us be responsible, drive carefully, and create a safe environment for ourselves, our children, and for everyone else.