Loud noises from cars and motorcycles are more than a nuisance. It is potentially harmful to the ears and the overall health. Toronto, in its entirety, is serious about cubing this problem. It is evident from the fact that Mayor John Tory, along with the police, announced the campaign in tony Yorkville neighbourhood in July.

However, there is no objective standard for measuring noise levels that are set in place. As a result, the officers are only able to take into consideration only such noise as screeching tires or motor exhaust.

This has caused an increasing number of speeding tickets to be issued as the officers can only gauge noise that is produced by a speeding car or motorbike. Ever since the campaign was announced, a total of 95 speeding tickets were issued.

Measures undertaken to control noise pollution

There is hope on the horizon for noise level reductions in Toronto as the new bylaw comes into effect from October 1st.

The number of noise complaints in Toronto rose by more than 17% in the last two years, which also reflects that many people are growing aware of the problem.