The government in Ontario has introduced a new way to expedite small claims. The maximum claim that can be filed in the Small Claims Court has been raised from $25,000 to $ 35,000.

This new order is effective from January 1, 2020. Claims below the $35,000 will now proceed to the 77 small claims court as well as the Divisional Court.

This is a great relief for the Superior Court of Justice. Currently, every claim that is over the $25,000 limit is sent to this court, which is Canada’s busiest court. Litigation in the Superior Court can take years to be resolved even in the case of small claims. Representation in the Superior Court is also very expensive, which can be hard on the claimants.

The new change also brings a lot of advantages for the claimants and the paralegal association. Apart from reducing the wait times for small claims, effective representation for the claimants can be done as well.

What does this small claims change entail?

This new change comes with a number of advantages. This works for the claimants as well as the paralegal association as well. These benefits include:

If you’re interested in hiring Fight Traffic Tickets Legal Services for all your small claims needs, then be sure to give us a call.